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Grand Rapids




There is no issue too big, no life too hopeless, no addiction too strong:

Day after day, addiction and drug abuse devastates the lives of countless men and women. Children are robbed of their innocence. Families are torn apart. Prison cells are filled. Homeless shelters and food banks are overwhelmed. We need more than bigger jails and social programs, we need the life-changing power of Jesus Christ.
"The master said, 'Go to the highways and back alleys and urge the people to come in so that my house will be filled.'"
Luke 14:23
You Are Not Alone

We are an Evangelism Outreach center.  What does that mean?  If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, then we are here to help.  We offer hope to individuals struggling with addiction by helping them get into our long term residential program as quickly as possible.  We also offer small group classes that range from personal struggle with life-controlling habits to loved ones that are affected by addictions.  These groups are here for those who can't go into the Western Michigan Teen Challenge residential program, or as a tool to stay connected after completing the residential program. No matter your age or gender, history or religious affiliation, there is help for you. Whether it's at your home, a coffee house, jail cell, or anywhere in between, we will meet you where you're at because hope is not dead and freedom is here.  All we ask is that you come and see.


We are a cry going through the city and across this land that there is a "different way. "There is help for the hurting. There is freedom from addiction.

There is a way out.

Who We Are

We are part of the Teen Challenge USA network. We offer hope to hurting people through our support groups, outreach program, and referral program. We have support groups for individuals who are unable to enter into our residential program at Western Michigan Teen Challenge. We disciple people one relationship at a time.


"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."


Matthew 28:19-20


Your support empowers us to help men & women break the cycle of addiction


We are a cry going through the city and across this land that there is a "different way." There is help for the hurting. There is freedom from addiction. There is a way out.




PHONE: 231.750.0232

FAX: 231.798.8147


150 Burt Street SE

Wyoming, MI  49458


© 2018 Western Michigan Teen Challenge

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